Meet the Peer Advisory Team

As current UMBC-Shady Grove students, members of the UMBC Peer Advisory Team (PAT) serve as a critical point of contact in the successful and seamless transition of students transferring to UMBC-Shady Grove from other institutions. PAT members undergo extensive leadership development and work closely with UMBC-Shady Grove administrative staff, faculty, and current students to reach out, serve, and create meaningful connections with prospective students through a variety of formal and informal recruitment and retention events. We are proud to be UMBC!

Connect with us!

Godwin Aizenofe: Translational Life Science Technology

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

I’m a TLST major.

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?                             

Close proximity to my home.

What internships and/or extracurricular activities have you been involved with at UMBC-Shady Grove?       

This is my first semester at UMBC-Shady Grove, however coming spring I will be an intern at UMBC assisting Professor Friar.

What are your plans following graduation?                           

Get a job and then a PhD.

What is your advice for prospective students?               

Do not underestimate any class, give your all + extra. However, do make time to go out and socialize. This is the prime of your youth, never have the “it is what it is” mindset, it would very much hinder your progress.

Karen Chij: Psychology and Social Work

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

I love hiking, being in nature, and enjoy capturing hilarious/unforgettable moments with my camera phone. I also love ice cream and cats.

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?                             

Since high school, I knew I wanted to attend UMBC-Shady Grove because it allowed me to stay close to my relatives, benefit from small class sizes, receive double scholarships, and take on opportunities as a student on campus.

What internships and/or extracurricular activities have you been involved with at UMBC-Shady Grove?       

I am a Health Care Initiative Scholarship (HIF) recipient and a member of the Student Social Work Association (SWSA). I have completed the USG Leadership Program, worked in Disability Student Services (DSS), served as the Treasurer for the Psychology Student Association, and worked in the Office of Information Technology (OIT). Currently, a blogger for the Around the Grove – Student Blog, I am a student Ambassador at USG, and involved in the Expanding Leadership Program at USG.

What are your plans following graduation?                           

I plan to proceed directly to my master’s degree.

What is your advice for prospective students?               

I would advise them to use their time wisely, such as marking deadlines on their calendars. Even if they feel they need more time, I encourage them to ask for help and communicate. The professors are very reasonable and understanding if you reach out for assistance.

Lexi Kay: Psychology

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

I have been in theatre since I was 11 years old. I love performing in both plays and musicals and seeing shows as well! I’m always happy to talk about local theatre in the area!

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?                             

I love the small class sizes at UMBC-Shady Grove, as well as the opportunities to interact and get to know my professors. In addition, UMBC-Shady Grove is a beautiful campus and has so many indoor and outdoor places to study and spend time with classmates/friends.

What internships and/or extracurricular activities have you been involved with at UMBC-Shady Grove?       

I was involved with PSA (Psychology Student Association) last year. Besides being on PAT this upcoming semester/year, I will also be a Writing Fellow within the Psychology Department (through main campus).

What are your plans following graduation?                           

I will be graduating Spring 2025 and my plan to go to grad school the following fall. I am planning to get my masters in drama therapy or clinical mental health counseling.

What is your advice for prospective students?               

It’s never too early to begin learning about opportunities for students. If you know you want to get involved in campus, whether that’s through extracurriculars, internships, research, etc., beginning to ask questions early is very helpful! I would also say to take the time to get to your professors. UMBC-Shady Grove faculty truly want students to succeed and want to form relationships with them too!

Ludivine Kom Liapoe: Social Work

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

I am trilingual (English, French, ASL). I love people. I am a full extrovert. Being around others makes me happy. It makes me who I am.

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?

UMBC-Shady Grove is a great place to be. It gives me a chance to make friends because Shady Grove is a small campus. UMBC main Campus is a huge place.

In what internships or extracurricular activities have you been involved at UMBC-Shady Grove?

Zeta Sigma

What are your plans following graduation?

After graduation, I plan to work in my career field as a social worker.

What is your advice for prospective students?

I advise prospective students to CONSULT with your academic coach about the classes you are taking. Some classes from your previous school might transfer and you would have the possibility of graduating earlier than expected. I also urge them to start taking 200 level classes in psyc/socy/etc as soon as you are able because then you will be able to only need to focus on your social work classes mostly. Whatever minor you decide to pick, pick it before heading for your BA and always work hard to succeed! NEVER GIVE UP and Remember, the SKY IS YOUR LIMIT!!!

Ishita Patel: Psychology and Social Work

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

I am an Indian immigrant. I love chocolates. I like to take pictures of just anything random.

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?                             

I chose UMBC-Shady Grove because my major Behavior Health from Montgomery College was directly connected to UMBC-Shady Grove. Hence, all my credits were transferable and I didn’t have to repeat any classes. Currently, I am a junior.

What internships and/or extracurricular activities have you been involved with at UMBC-Shady Grove?       

I am currently a part of SWSA and now, PAT.

What are your plans following graduation?                           

I plan to work in my field. Also, to get a master’s degree and possibly a PhD.

What is your advice for prospective students?               

I would advise you to meet with your counselor at least twice per semester if not more. If the grades are not good, assignments are difficult, or for any other difficulties in your class courses please ask for help from your professors. Never wait till the very end. Please make sure you sign up for the required classes. Join the student club of your major, it will give you helpful information, even if you don’t participate in every event.

Oliver Salter: Psychology and Social Work

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

I’m a triple citizen! (USA/UK/Australia). My entire family is English, born and raised, and I’m a first generation English-American.

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?                             

I love the atmosphere at UMBC-Shady Grove! It’s a smaller campus, and you can really feel more involved in its activities and extracurriculars. There are loads of modern facilities and resources available to students. Plus, the professors and staff are incredibly helpful and genuinely looking to help you succeed.

What internships and/or extracurricular activities have you been involved with at UMBC-Shady Grove?       

I’m the SWSA Secretary for the 2024 school year!

What are your plans following graduation?                           

I’ll be applying to the MSW program here at USG, and then eventually I’m aiming to become an LCSW. Later down the line, I’m planning to go for a Master’s in Psychology as well.

What is your advice for prospective students?               

Don’t be afraid to engage with the community! Whether it’s extracurriculars within your major, UMBC-Shady Grove activities, or the campus as a whole, there’s plenty of opportunities to get involved. It might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s definitely worth it. Also, the professors and faculty are great people at answering questions and providing resources, so if you don’t know where to start, reach out and ask for help. There will always be someone happy to advocate for you and guide you through your time at UMBC-Shady Grove! (Myself included!)

Benries Toe: Social Work

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

I have just four sisters, and all of our names share the same three letters.

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?                             

I chose UMBC-Shady Grove because the campus is close to where I live and it’s affordable.

What internships and/or extracurricular activities have you been involved with at UMBC-Shady Grove?       

I’m currently enrolled in the USGLeads Leadership program and also a member of the SWSA.

What are your plans following graduation?                           

After I graduate, I intend to pursue my master’s degree while working in my field.

What is your advice for prospective students?               

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; rather, it’s utilizing the numerous campus resources available to ensure your success.

Walter Valle: History

An interesting personal fact about yourself …

This is quite a challenging question however, in the future I want to migrate to another country. Another interesting thing is that I want to change my name for personal reasons and I’m a strong believer in living beings in our universe!

Why did you choose UMBC-Shady Grove?                             

In reality, there were a few characteristics that attracted me to take courses at a satellite campus. Such as affordability, access to guaranteed scholarship assistance, and location. Through the USG website, zooms and what I read about the building’s perks were the reason I checked off Shady Grove.

What internships and/or extracurricular activities have you been involved with at UMBC-Shady Grove?       

I recently acquired a part-time job overseeing the welcome office in building three and of course joined the Peer Advisory Team (PAT). However, I’ve been part of the Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) program since high school so there is that as well. Other than these extracurricular activities I have not had an internship or fellowship however, I forsee an internship opportunity in the future.

What are your plans following graduation?                           

I have not made a confident decision on what to do after earning a bachelor’s degree but the two paths I’ve been thinking about are going to Graduate school or taking a gap year to familiarize myself with the career choice I would be most interested in pursuing. That being said I think it’s essential for college students to immerse themselves in the real world and gain experience that guides their academic endeavors.

What is your advice for prospective students?               

I have come to learn that we must try to use our last years of “college” to take risks to get out of our shells. What I mean by this is not falling into the same routine and or being comfortable with attending class and leaving soon after. I encourage new students to seek out resources and activities offered at Shady Grove because it’s your time to explore academically and personally. Everyone should be a bit nosy when it comes to pursuing opportunities so research, ask and take action! I cannot stress this enough since these two years are our preparation for the workforce but make it fun!

Are you interested in joining the Peer Advisory Team?

How to Apply

As a Peer Advisory Team member and current UMBC-Shady Grove undergraduate student, you will have an opportunity to develop as a leader, serve as a primary point of contact, and connect in meaningful ways with prospective students interested in UMBC-Shady Grove.  Your position will serve as a critical point in the successful and seamless transition for undergraduate students transferring to UMBC-Shady Grove from other institutions. Through this position, you will work closely with UMBC-Shady Grove administrative staff, faculty, and fellow current students in reaching out to and serving prospective students through a variety of different formal and informal recruitment and retention events.

We generally accept applications for Peer Advisors twice per year – once in the fall (usually beginning in mid-September through early-November) and once in the spring (mid-March through early-April). Please keep an eye on your email for additional information!

Apply for Peer Advisory Team!