Mechanical Engineering

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Program Details

  • 92% of UMBC Mech Eng grads are employed within 6 months
  • 96% are in positions related to their career goals
  • 85% are engaged in applied learning while in college
  • ABET accredited program
  • $70-75k median starting salary
  • Top 150 engineering programs in the U.S.


UMBC’s B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, an ABET accredited program, helps students become leaders in the mechanical engineering field serving, industry, research laboratories and academia. Graduates can help contribute to a large and growing workforce in the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan region as demand increases. Students will address crucial issues in the industry including computational design and simulation to meet the needs of important organizations and companies in the area. After transferring to the ME program at UMBC, students can complete upper level courses in solid mechanics, thermo- and fluid-dynamics, design and automation, bio systems, and more. Lab and elective courses allow students to test these principles and apply them in projects that involve design challenges from the material processing, energy conversion and aerospace industries, among others.

Montgomery County is home to large employers of mechanical engineers, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Institutes for Health, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, and many more. The median starting salary for an ME graduate is over $70-75k. Learn more about the ABET Accreditation here.

UMBC is consistently highly ranked in many areas by U.S. News & World Report. Our engineering program has been ranked among the top 100 best in the nation.

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Complete coursework in math, physics, chemistry, engineering, and more
Contact UMBC-Shady Grove for advising requirements, check your transfer credits, and the major requirements
Complete your major requirements, and total 127 credits including required courses to graduate!

More About the Program

Advising & Next Steps

UMBC-Shady Grove offers pre-transfer advising services to ensure that prospective students interested in transferring to UMBC-Shady Grove follow an academic plan that enables coursework to seamlessly transfer to our academic programs. Prior to applying to the Mechanical Engineering program and taking classes at the Shady Grove campus, you are strongly encouraged to connect with Kim Casimbon, academic advisor, ( for advising guidance and support.

Suggested Transfer Pathways

The BS in Mechanical Engineering Program is currently articulated with the following community college partners:
Montgomery College

Required & Recommended Prerequisites

For full transfer requirements visit the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate website and meet with UMBC-Shady Grove staff for Pre-Transfer Advising.

REQUIRED Transfer Coursework

The following courses MUST be completed prior to transfer. Be sure to meet with Kim Casimbon for verification.

  • English Composition
  • Principles of Chemistry I with lab
  • Principles of Chemistry II with lab
  • Calculus and Analytical Geometry I
  • Calculus and Analytical Geometry II
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Introductory Physics I
  • Introductory Physics II
  • Multivariable Calculus
  • Introduction to Differential Equations
  • Statics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Dynamics
  • Introduction to Engineering Design with CAD
  • Engineering Thermodynamics
RECOMMENDED Transfer Coursework
  • 3 Arts and Humanities courses (from at least two different disciplines)
  • 3 Social Science courses (from at least two different disciplines)
  • World Language 201-Level (consult advisor about expectations)

IMPORTANT: Any student who has attempted a lower-level required course twice and not earned a grade of B or better for gateway courses or C or better for all other required courses, cannot continue in the mechanical engineering program without special permission. This policy applies to courses that may be offered at a higher level (300-400) at another institution, but are considered equivalent to lower-level courses at UMBC.

Transfer students who have attempted a required lower-level course or its equivalent at another institution more than two times without earning a grade of B or better for gateway courses or C or better for all other required courses on the second attempt may be admitted to UMBC, but are not eligible for admittance to the mechanical engineering program without special permission.

Gateway Criteria – Effective Fall 2022

Applicants admitted for Fall 2022 or later may designate mechanical engineering as their intended major. However, students are admitted to the mechanical engineering program only when they pass all three of the following gateway courses: MATH152 Calculus II, ENES101 Introduction to Engineering, and ENME110 Statics, with a grade of “B” or better. Students are not allowed to take any 300-level or 400-level mechanical engineering courses until the gateway requirements are fulfilled.

Degree Requirements

Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree must complete university requirements. Progress toward completion of university requirements is evaluated by means of the Transfer Credit Report (TCR) which is available online to students via myUMBC once admitted to the university. Progress toward major completion is evaluated in the academic departments. University requirements include:

Click here to see all required mechanical engineering courses throughout the program.

General Requirements:
  • Minimum of 120 academic credits
  • Minimum of 2.0 grade point average
  • 45 Upper Level Credits

General Requirements are an important component of study at UMBC. Please refer to the GEP worksheet for guidance: GEP Worksheet.

Major Requirements

Major Requirements Specific to Mechanical Engineering

Additional Advising Resources

View additional Shady Grove Advising Resources. For more information on degree requirements, please contact Kim Casimbon via or at 240-665-6454.

Visit USG’s website to learn which classes will be available during the upcoming semester.

Course Descriptions

ENME 301: The Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials (3 credits)

The nature and properties of engineering materials as related to their use in all phases of mechanical engineering will be studied. Materials covered include metals, ceramics and glasses, polymer and composites.

ENME 303: Computational Methods for Engineers (3 credits)

This course is intended as an introduction to programming using MATHLAB, elements of linear algebra, computational methods, and their application to solving engineering and specific problems through computational programming. Solution of ordinary differential equations with application in engineering.

ENME 304: Machine Design (3 credits)

In-depth design course that is a follow-up to ENME 204. The focus here is on designing machine components. Emphasis is on kinematics, working stresses, repeated loadings, fatigue and heating effects. The course requires completion of a design project and the use of such computational tools as CAD and engineering codes. Note This course may be subject to a Course Materials Charge. The charge may vary by semester, depending on the course materials required. The Course Materials Initiative (CMI) was established to provide students with more affordable course materials, enhance the students’ experience on a common digital platform via Blackboard, and position UMBC to be ahead of the curve with digital content.

ENME 320: Fluid Mechanics (3 credits)

Fluid flow concepts and basic equations, effects of viscosity and compressibility, dimensional analysis and laws of similarity, flow through pipes and over-immersed bodies, and principles of flow measurement.

ENME 321: Transfer Processes (3 credits)

Conduction by steady state and transient heat flow; laminar and turbulent flow; free and forced convection; radiation, evaporation and condensation of vapors; and transfer of mass, heat and momentum.

ENME 332L: Solid Mechanics and Materials Laboratory (3 credits)

A laboratory course in testing mechanical properties of materials. Emphasis will be on experimental techniques in solid mechanics, strain gages, strain gage rosettes, photoelasticity, acoustic emissions, metallurgical and electron microscopy.

ENME 360: Vibrations (3 credits)

Dynamic characteristics of machinery with emphasis on systems with single and multiple degrees of freedom.

ENME 403: Automatic Controls (3 credits)

Hydraulic, electrical, mechanical and pneumatic automatic control systems; open and closed loops; steady-state and transient operations; stability criteria; linear and non-linear systems; and Laplace transforms.

ENME 432L: Fluids/Energy Laboratory (2 credits)

Measurement of fluid properties, fluid forces and observation of flow phenomenon; demonstration of flow measurement techniques; and measurement of heat-transfer properties: conduction, convection and radiation; and condensation and evaporation measurements.

ENME 444: Mechanical Engineering Systems Design (3 credits)

This course allows students completing the Mechanical Engineering curriculum to engage in a complete system design experience, integrating the various technical concepts they have learned in prior courses and is the last in a sequence of design courses that are an integral component of the undergraduate program. The course imparts a foundation in team leadership and project management and emphasizes entrepreneurial skills necessary to function in any organization, regardless of size. Engineers in industry solve problems that simultaneously resolve budgetary, time, technical and sometimes social, ethical and environmental constraints. Students will enjoy an experience that closely matches this environment.

ENME 475: Robotics

Basic engineering principles in the design and analysis of robots. Industrial applications of robots, Kenematics, dynamics and control of robotic manipulators as well as grasping mechanics.

ENME 482L: Vibrations/Controls Laboratory (2 credits)

Various methods of spectral and modal analysis. Open-and closed-loop control experiments Methods and instrumentation for determining the vibration properties of mechanical systems.

STAT 355: Probability and Statistics (4 credits)

An introduction to applied statistics designed for science majors and others with demonstrated quantitative ability. Topics include nature of statistical methods, random variables and their distribution functions, general principles of estimation and hypothesis testing. A laboratory introduces students to computer techniques in statistical analysis

Appendix B: Mechanical Engineering electives expected to be offered at USG

ENME 408: Selected Topics in Engineering Design (3 credits)

Three lecture periods per week. Creativity and innovation in design, generalized performance analysis, reliability and optimization as applied to the design of components and engineering systems, use of computers in design, and design of multivariable systems. Note May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits with permission of advisor and allowed multiple enrollment in term.

ENME 409: Mechanics of Deformable Solids (3 credits)

Introduction to the mechanics of engineering materials in three dimensions, concepts of stress and strain, generalized Hooke’s law and equilibrium of solids. Modes of failure, including plasticity, stability, fatigue and fracture, will be treated. This course is repeatable for credit.

ENME 412: Mechanical Design for Manufacturing and Production (3 credits)

Physical properties of materials and review of fundamental principles of product design. Various classes of engineering materials are characterized. Types of manufacturing processes that can be applied to the production of the design are discussed.

ENME 422: Heat Transfer in Biological Systems (3 credits)

This is a cross-listed course offered to upper level undergraduate students as a science elective, and regular graduate students. The course focuses on how heat transfer mechanisms and principles are applied to biological systems. It includes how to model heat transfer in tissue with blood perfusion, major experimental approaches for measuring thermal and physiological properties of tissue, as well as detailed description of various aspects of bioheat transfer analyses in hyperthermia treatment to kill tumor.

ENME 423: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design (3 credits)

Topics will include heating and cooling load calculations; psychrometrics applied to HVAC design, thermodynamics of refrigeration, space air diffusion, piping and duct flow analysis, introduction to solar energy and indoor air quality.

ENME 472: Materials and Processes for Micro/Nanoscale Systems (MEMS) (3 credits)

A fundamental course presenting key topics in materials and processing for the design and manufacture of micro and nano scale systems often called microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Students will focus on understanding materials and microfabrication technologies commonly employed in these smallscale systems. Material properties, parameters and their relationship with microfabrication processes, length scale and applications are discussed with regards to elastic and inelastic deformation, fracture, residual stress, fatigue, creep, adhesion, and stiction. Case studies on devices for sensing and actuation applications will be addressed to connect the course topics. Recommended Preparation ENME 301, ENME 220.

ENME 488: Special Problems (3 credits)

Advanced problems in mechanical engineering, with special emphasis on mathematical and experimental methods. This course is repeatable for credit. Recommended Preparation Permission of department chairman and senior standing in mechanical engineering.

ENME 489: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (3 credits)

Selected topics of current importance in mechanical engineering. This course is repeatable for a maximum of 9 credits or 3 attempts. Recommended Preparation Senior standing and permission of department. Note May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits with permission of student’s advisor.

Additional Special Topics Courses offered:

408 Intro Design Opt
408/610 Intro to Design Optimiz
408 Macromech of Comp
408/815 Macromech of Comp
408 Mechatronics
408 Satellite Design
408/813 Biomaterials
408/813 Biomechanics
409 Mech of Deform Solids
412 Mech Des Man/Prod
423 HVAC
425 Internal Combustion Engines
489/816 Combustion
472/815 MEMS
475 Robotics
489 Comput Fluid Dynamics
489 Energy Sources of Future
489 High-Speed Aero
489/631 Heat Transfer
489/816 Bioheat Transfer
489/816 Heat Mass Tran Manu
489/662 Linear Vibrations

See the undergraduate catalog for the most up-to-date list of courses.

Visit USG’s website to learn which classes will be available during the upcoming semester.

Alumni Spotlight

Photo of Garvey

Garvey Chu '24

Mechanical Engineering

"[My advisors and professors at UMBC-Shady Grove] have really opened my eyes to new possible areas in my future career."

Meet Garvey

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