TLST Scholarship for Fall '24 - Fall '26 Admits

If accepted to UMBC’s undergraduate applied biotechnology program, Translational Life Science Technology (TLST), and enrolled in at least 6 credits of TLST classes, you will receive a scholarship of up to $1,500 for each of two years.

Scholarships will be awarded to new incoming students who enter UMBC between now and fall 2026 having declared TLST as their major and enrolling in at least 6 credits in the TLST program.

The scholarship provides funding of up to $1,500 per year, for up to two years of study. Students enrolled at UMBC full time will receive $1,500 per year ($750 for each semester). For those enrolled part-time, the amount provided will be prorated accordingly.

A new student who is admitted to UMBC and declares TLST as their major but needs lower-level and prerequisite courses that they choose to take at UMBC’s Catonsville campus is eligible to receive the scholarship. Please note that the scholarship will not be applied to a student’s account until the student ultimately completes enough coursework to officially update their campus designation to Shady Grove and enrolls in at least 6 credits in the TLST program offered specifically at the UMBC-Shady Grove campus.

UMBC first-year and Catonsville campus students who change their major to TLST are not eligible for the scholarship, however, other funding opportunities may be available in the future.

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