Please refer to information provided by your program director or faculty advisor for specific instructions regarding the advising process for your department.
Advising FAQs
How will I receive academic advising for next semester?
Students will receive a communication from their program director or from their assigned academic advisor with information on how to sign up for an advising appointment.
Students will likely be offered a range of options for accessing and meeting with their academic advisor, including, but not limited to, Google Calendar, WebEx, Google Hangout Meets, email, and phone. Some advisors may also be offering an opportunity for in-person advising. We encourage you to keep an eye out for more specific details from your academic department regarding updated advising protocols.
When will I be able to register for classes?
After you meet with your academic advisor and receive advising clearance, you will be able to register once your registration date and time arrives.
Advance registration for undergraduates typically begins in April for the fall semester and in October for the spring semester. As a reminder, undergraduates must meet with their academic advisor to receive clearance prior to registering.
Your exact registration date and time is based on the number of credits you have earned.
What can I do to prepare for my advising appointment?
- Check out your Registration Guide, complete with step-by-step directions on the entire advising and registration process, and review your Degree Audit.
- Aren’t sure how to interpret your degree audit? Learn about how to navigate your degree audit here.
- Schedule an appointment with your advisor. Please keep an eye out for more specific details from your department or academic advisor regarding advising protocols.
- Review Schedule of Classes, available online beginning in October for the spring semester and in March for the fall semester, and put together a tentative schedule using the Schedule Builder.
- Check your myUMBC account to be sure you have no outstanding obligations that could prevent you from registering, i.e., past-due balances, vaccinations, etc. If you have an administrative hold, you will have already received a myUMBC alert. Keep in mind, you can still receive advising clearance, even if you have an administrative hold.
- Consider enrolling in winter or summer courses to stay on track or get ahead.
Where can I learn more about UMBC's academic requirements, regulations, and policy?
View UMBC’s academic requirements and regulations in the Undergraduate Catalog. Get to know your policy options and take charge of your academic career with the Academic Success Center.
I am planning to graduate this semester. Is there additional information I need to know?
If you are planning to graduate this semester, please review the Eligibility for Undergraduate Commencement Participation and Honors Eligibility requirements.
Additional Information and Resources
USG Information and Resources
USG Community Resources
Resources for both currents students in programs at USG and any community members who need them.
USG Priddy Library Access
An overview of the availability of and access to library programs and services.
Knowing Your USG Resources
Do you want to get involved in student orgs? Learn more about services offered by the library? Don’t know what you don’t know? Start with this quick reference guide to learn more about the service centers and support services at USG!
UMBC Information and Resources
UMBC’s COVID-19 Response
UMBC is committed to keeping our community safe, healthy, and informed. Please check this website for updated information on COVID-19. This website will be updated as information changes.
UMBC’s Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center provides centralized support services to all undergraduate students at UMBC. Through a coordinated approach and an unwavering commitment to student success, the Academic Success Center fosters a welcoming environment that provides a one-stop opportunity through Academic Policy, Academic Learning Resources, and Academic Advocacy for students to achieve their academic goals and claim their future with a UMBC degree.
Student Business Services
SBS is the office that bills students, collects tuition, and fees and issues student refunds. Contact them with questions regarding billing and payments.
Retriever Integrated Health
Retriever Integrated Health (RIH) brings together the former University Health Services, Office of Health Promotion, and Counseling Center offices to work in a collaborative, holistic approach to support your well-being and success. If you have questions regarding the mandatory health form, prevention courses, or health insurance requirement, please reach out to RIH.
External Information and Resources
Free Textbook Access
Many publishers are offering free access to books and other materials:
I have been advised and have received advising clearance - how to I actually register for classes?
Please review the registrar’s website for guidance on adding, swapping, and dropping classes, adding yourself to a wait list, and obtaining registration permissions/exceptions as needed.
I'm getting an error when I try to register for a class and I don't know why!
- Do you have another course that you are already enrolled in that conflicts with the meeting pattern of the class you are trying to register for?
- Do you have the prerequisites for the class you are trying to enroll in?
- Do you have a hold that is preventing your registration?
- Has your registration date/time passed?
These are all reasons you may not be able to register for a particular course!
Academic Advising at UMBC starts with an Orientation Advisor specifically trained to help you with securing a strategic course schedule to launch your academic career. However, once you begin your study here at UMBC-Shady Grove, you will then have the opportunity to work with a faculty member and/or professional advisor affiliated with your chosen academic discipline. Before making your advising appointment, check your registration eligibility. Please see a list of advisors per program listed below.
Important note: While one faculty member or professional advisor will provide registration clearance for you each semester, we encourage students to seek additional academic and career planning from various members of the UMBC academic and administrative community. High-Performing UMBC students gather information, recommendations and guidance from a host of faculty, advisors and administrators- keen to help them maximize the opportunities and resources available at UMBC. Additionally, we encourage students to actively pursue conversations and meetings with academic advisors, faculty, and staff throughout the entire academic year. Advising sessions about registration are certainly important, yet on-going conversations and planning about graduate school, independent study, and/or gaining entry into a particular profession can (and should) take place at various times and in various formats (including email, telephone, etc.).
Undergraduate Advisors
Computer Science
- Ms. Jeannette Kartchner, jkartch@umbc.edu
Associate Undergraduate Program Director - Ms. Kim Casimbon, kcasim1@umbc.edu
- Dr. Andrew Nolan, nolan@umbc.edu
Program Director
Mechanical Engineering
- Dr. Charles Eggleton, eggleton@umbc.edu
Program Director - Ms. Kim Casimbon, kcasim1@umbc.edu
Political Science
Dr. Sunil Dasgupta, sunildasgupta@umbc.edu
Program Director
- Dr. Diane Alonso, dalonso@umbc.edu
Program Director - Dr. Shariece Evans, joshari1@umbc.edu
- Beatrice Ieronimo, bieroni1@umbc.edu
- Dr. Donald Knight, dknigh1@umbc.edu
Social Work
- Dr. Katherine Morris, LCSW-C, kath@umbc.edu
Program Director - Dr. M Nicole Belfiore, belfiore@umbc.edu
- Ms. Jeanette Hoover, LCSW-C, jhoover@umbc.edu
- Ms. Natalie Sanchez, LMSW, natsanc@umbc.edu
- Dr. Laura Ting, lting@umbc.edu
Translational Life Science Technology (TLST)
- Dr. Elizabeth Friar, efriar1@umbc.edu
Program Director
- Ms. Michelle Bulger, mbulger@umbc.edu
- Dr. Manik Ghosh, mghosh09@umbc.edu
- Dr. Jeffrey Robinson, jrobin2@umbc.edu
Prospective Undergraduate Pre-Transfer Advising
Are you interested in one of UMBC-Shady Grove’s seven undergraduate programs (computer science, history, mechanical engineering, political science, psychology, social work, or translational life science technology)? Make an appointment with a UMBC-Shady Grove pre-transfer advisor to determine the transferability of previous coursework and develop an academic plan of action for transfer!
Additional Questions
If you have questions or concerns about advising services, please contact Abigail Granger, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention, abigail3@umbc.edu.
Graduate Advisors
Dr. Mark Schenerman, mark01@umbc.edu
Graduate Program Director
Dr. Behnam Shariati, shariati@umbc.edu
Assistant Graduate Program Director
Data Science
Dr. M. Ali Yousuf, maliyou1@umbc.edu
Assistant Graduate Program Director
I/O Psychology
- Dr. Elliot Lasson, elasson@umbc.edu
(Students with last names A-L) Graduate Program Director - Dr. Elissa Abod, eabod@umbc.edu
(Students with last names M-Z) Assistant Graduate Program Director
Advising Guides (PDFs)
Please use the advising guides below and your degree audit to help you prepare for your advising meetings and to track your progress throughout your time at UMBC-Shady Grove.
Undergraduate Advising Guides
Graduate Advising Guides
Cross-Campus Enrollment
Cross-campus enrollment is an option available to students to provide enrollment flexibility between the Main Campus in Catonsville and the Shady Grove campus in Rockville. While students may take advantage of the cross-campus enrollment option at any point throughout the academic year, priority enrollment consideration is based on a student’s primary campus designation. The processes and procedures to request enrollment vary depending upon the semester/session. Please view the Cross-Campus Enrollment Requirements in the Undergraduate catalog for instructions.
To request an exception according to UMBC’s cross-campus enrollment practice as noted in the catalog, please complete the Cross-Campus Enrollment Request Form. Requests for cross-campus enrollment in Shady Grove courses are typically granted 7-10 days prior to the start of the semester.
As a reminder, this is only required for fall and spring semesters. During the summer and winter sessions, students may enroll in in-person, online, and hybrid courses at both campus locations without additional approval.
While tuition rates are the same at both the Catonsville campus and the Shady Grove campus, the student fee structure is different. You may view fees for both campuses here. Each course is assigned a specific campus location – the fee structure depends on the campus location of the course, the campus designation of the student, and the delivery method of the course.
Shady Grove designated students will be charged Catonsville fees for in-person or hybrid Catonsville designated courses and will be charged Shady Grove fees for all Shady Grove designated courses and Catonsville designated online courses.
Catonsville designated students will be charged Shady Grove fees for in-person or hybrid Shady Grove designated courses and will be charged Catonsville fees for all Catonsville designated courses and Shady Grove designated online courses.
Questions about the practice or this form can be directed to shadygrove@umbc.edu.
If you intend on taking most or all of your courses at UMBC-Shady Grove moving forward, we suggest exploring a potential Campus Designation Change. Fill out the Campus Designation Change request form and an advisor will reach out to you to determine if a campus designation change is appropriate for you.
Campus Designation Change Requests
If you are currently a student at UMBC’s Shady Grove campus and are planning to take the majority of your courses at the Catonsville campus in future semesters, we would recommend updating your primary campus designation to UMBC’s Catonsville campus.
If you are currently a student at UMBC’s Catonsville campus and are planning to take the majority of your courses at the Shady Grove campus in future semesters, we would recommend updating your primary campus designation to UMBC’s Shady Grove campus.
Please note that we strongly recommend discussing enrollment at UMBC-Shady Grove with your academic advisor, as UMBC-Shady Grove offers primarily upper-level courses (300 and 400 level classes). It is critical students have completed at least 45 credits and the prerequisites for their intended major prior to beginning coursework at UMBC-Shady Grove. Please review the seven undergraduate majors offered at UMBC-Shady Grove to determine if we offer your program of interest.
If you are a computer science or mechanical engineering student please fill out this campus designation update request form.
If you are a history, political science, psychology, social work, and/or translational life science technology student please fill out this campus designation update request form.
If you only want to take one or two courses at UMBC-Shady Grove and do not plan to take the majority of your courses at UMBC-Shady Grove moving forward, we suggest using the Cross-Campus Enrollment request form to access those individual courses.
UMBC's 201 Language Requirement
According to UMBC’s catalog: Students must complete a language sequence through the 201 level or demonstrate proficiency at that level. For general information about the language requirement, including options on how students can meet the proficiency requirement, visit MLLI’s FAQ page. Information for international students and/or students with international coursework on how to request 201 equivalency by demonstrating education in a second language may be found on MLLI’s website, L201 for International Students. Additional information about placement and proficiency based on coursework or testing (including AP/IB/CLEP exams) may be found on MLLI’s website, L201 Proficiency. If you have earned the Maryland Seal Of Biliteracy, please submit MLLI’s “application for 201-level language equivalency“.
Students with a documented disability that affects language learning should review the information on The Office of Student Disability Services’ website.
Please review your options regarding fulfilling proficiency with your academic advisor to determine how you will meet the proficiency requirement.
Consortium Agreements
During the course of your academic career at UMBC you may want to take a course(s) at another institution and transfer the course(s) back to your degree program at UMBC.* If you are not taking enough credits to be considered full time (12 or more credits) at UMBC, but your enrollment at another institution would bring you to full time status when combined with your credits at UMBC, you can complete a consortium agreement to be considered for full time aid eligibility.
Please review information regarding eligibility and the steps required to complete a consortium agreement on UMBC’s Financial Aid website. Once you have gathered the required documents, please submit them directly to UMBC’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships by ticket for consideration.
*Please be sure to discuss your plan to take a course at another institution with your academic advisor to verify it is the best course of action for your UMBC degree plan.
Campus Resources
UMBC Resources
UMBC’s Academic Success Center
Access to tutoring and the Writing Center.
Student Disability Services
Find answers about accommodations, appointments, and general questions.
UMBC’s Registrar’s Office
Submitting VOT Forms and Change of Major Forms.
Financial Aid Services
Information about financial assistance, scholarships, and contacting your financial aid counselor.
UMBC Office of Technology
Related Links
Microsoft 365 (free)
RT Ticket Request
Blackboard Wiki
Remote chat, voice, and/or video support (during business hours)
Student Business Services
Information about student billing, tuition and fees, issuing student refunds.
Retriever Integrated Health
Provides outpatient primary care clinical services, health promotion initiatives, and outreach.
USG Resources
USG Priddy Library
Course reserves information & chat with a member of the library.
USG Center for Counseling & Well-being
Counseling appointments, workshops, and support available.
Macklin Center for Leadership & Communication
Writing support, academic coaching, and library support.
USG Center for Scholarships
Information about financial and scholarship resources and support.
USG Center for Career Development
Career coaching and Career Connector.
Hire U at USG
Explore and improve your career readiness competencies.